
Wednesday, 3 March 2010

Clash for Taslima Nasrin’s writing:

Clash for Taslima Nasrin's writing: Two people killed in a clash Between Indian Muslim and Indian police yesterday at Karnatak, India. Clash starts after Bangladeshi writer Taslima Nasrin's feature published in a top daily at India. Taslima Nasrin is Living India for a long time since she doesn't have freedom to live in Bangladesh. Recently she wrote an article about Borka. Then, almost 1500 Indian Muslim protests against it. They came up to road and start picketing there. They broke around 20 vehicles. Police goes for controlling the situation and clash starts. Earlier, administration declared emergency in some places. In this way two people were killed in that clash. Taslima Nasrin is one of the most controversial writers from Bangladesh. Read more about Taslima Nasrin in Dhaka News

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